MN Daily Letter - May 24, 2006
The following appeared in the Minnesota Daily Letters to the Editor, May 25, 2006
Appreciate Differences
The week of April 24's series on religion on campus was well-crafted, and for that you deserve kudos from the campus community. For many, our beliefs, including atheistic, are central to our consciousness and ways of living. We especially commend you for letting religious voices speak for themselves.
As leaders of an evangelical campus ministerial coalition that represents more than 20 groups and nearly 1,000 active students, we look forward to creatively engaging and understanding those with other views. The mid-March Muslim-Christian dialogue and last year's joint Muslim-Christian effort to establish a Friendship Bench (on the south side of the Bell Museum of Natural History) are steps in the right direction, as is also professor Indira Junghare's effort to establish an institute for ethics and peacemaking.
Bob Osburn and the University Christian Ministry Association
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